What even is life?

Sunday 18 October 2015 | 07:48 | 0 comments
I've always thought that the way you look at life really defines the type of person you are. I mean for me I've seen life as something you look back at and smile at all the great things that has happened. So do I have any regrets? Yea nah probably not. Sure there might be some things that I might have done differently but you know, this is the life I chose #iregretnothing.

Everyone's view on life is different, and none of them are wrong. How you live and view your life is up to you and I support that. But, lets be real here. Sometimes life just gets in the way of things we want or enjoy doing. Like, if your family needed you for something, you're not going to ditch them and go party. No. Going out and enjoying the simple things is important, but you know, something about family being more important you know what I'm saying? Ohana remember? Just, life bro.

But I mean, there's always the good stuff to look forward too. Like even the small things you know what I mean? Like for example just seeing someone smile. Sometimes that's honestly the best thing ever, just seeing someone smile.  I have this friend and legit I swear they have the best smile ever. Every time they smile I'm just like hnnNnNNggGGGG oaidaklsda... Or you know, it could be just me I guess. I mean, it doesn't have to be the same as mine obviously, but I'm sure there's something out there that you look forward to, even if it's just something small.

I think how we view life either allows or limits us from doing certain things. Like lets say you're an introvert, you could be like "life is cool and all but yea nah outside world and talking to people?? yea nah that junk is scary." I guess in this case it would limit you in terms of who you talk to or associate with I guess? I mean I respect that because everyone is different you feel me? It's the life they chose. I'm sure they have their reasons on why they see things the way they do, just like everyone else.

I swear man this posterino... It feels so half arsed like... iunno. I haven't posted in a while which I'm sorry for but you know, sometimes life just gets in the way right? I mean life will always have it's ups and downs. How you view life and what you do with yours is up to you. Don't let no body hold you back you feel? Anyways, I've don't really have anything left to say cause you know, life :^)


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