What even is life?

Wednesday 11 March 2015 | 03:59 | 0 comments
*FYI I started this post like the second week I was in Vietnam... Really goes to show my commitment lmao.*

Now I'm pretty bad when it comes to commitment and what not when it comes to certain tasks . I mean my blog itself should give you a clear indication of how committed I am to writing these entries. If you're a 'regular' reader of my blog you know that I update once every like month or something? But that's like only if you're lucky lmao.

You know it's okay to give up on your commitments. Sometimes when you're not feelin' it you're just not feelin' it you feel?. You can't continue something that you have lost interest in. It's like telling a kid to clean the toilet and that he's NOT going to receive anything in return. There's no motivation. If he's not going to get anything out of it in the end then why is he going to bother? Unless he's feelin' keen as to do homework then idek. It's perfectly normal to give up on your commitments and there's nothing wrong with doing so. It just shows that you're a lazy mother fucker hehe.

With that said there are certain things you should always stay committed to. For example relationships, family, friends, work, assignments and all that junk. You can't just give up so easily. A lot of these things are very important in life either in the present or sometime later on in the future. Looking back I was pretty lazy myself. I gave up a lot of educational thingies which have caught up and bit my bum bum pretty hard. But you know what I'm not going to dwell on the bad things that happened in the past cause #noregrets. Let's save that topic for another day though.

Now personally, I'm pretty on and off when it comes to commitments. I mean it's pretty ironic that I write about this topic considering that by the time you get to read this I would have spent probably a month and a bit writing it up. Yea I'm a lazy fucker and I'm not going to lie, but at least I'm writing amirite? Um #dealwithit hehe. In all seriousness though commitments are hard, and they're not going to become easy anytime soon. But if you stick through it all, there's always going to be a good outcome in the end.

So I guess a short summary would be it's okay to give up on certain  commitments as long as they aren't family related, relationship related, friend related, work related and all that junk. And yes I know this post probably wasn't as formal (when have my posts ever been formal lmfao) or deep or whatever but you know I just wasn't feelin' it you feel? Anyways the usual,

Nhi is awesome

Kris is hot.


oh and follow my page for updates huehue :^)


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