What even is life?

Friday 14 November 2014 | 08:39 | 0 comments
You know I never thought this day would ever come. I mean yea sure I have another 5 exams or so but you know graduation is just around the corner. It seemed so distant, it seemed so far. I think it was because I never really thought about it much. Man the years have flown past...

I think we can all recall our first day at school, kindergarten and prep or whatever. I mean I sure do. I remember being this tiny Asian kid who nobody knew. My parents moved around a fair bit when I was younger so I didn't really stay at a school long enough to have FRIENDS. I don't even know aye, but the years went by so quickly! Heck 12 years and I'm still known as that Asian kid. I mean I had my fair share of bullying, social drama, emotional dramas, my ups and downs. But you know what? If I were able to redo my 12 years of schooling again and meet the same people, I sure would take the opportunity. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty glad that everything is almost over, but I'm sure going to miss school...

I think we take school for granted sometimes. Sure we're bombarded with exams, assignments and homework, but if you think about it, everything is done for our own good, our own future. I'm 100 percent sure that at some point we've all gone "fuck this I'm so done with school", however we stuck to it all the way 'till the end. I mean I sure have, several times actually. But the question is why and how? Well that is simple. We stuck 'till the very end to turn our dreams into reality. As for how... motivation. I'm sure most of us found motivation to go to school everyday to meet our closest friends, girlfriends, boyfriends and teachers and what not. I mean that was my motivation to get up and go to school everyday. But you know since this is about to come to and end for me, idek aye...

You know I thank God everyday for giving me the opportunity to meet the people I call my friends. I mean in no way can I call myself academically smart in comparison to my friends, or as physically attractive in comparison to them, but you know what? that doesn't bother them. Because I am who I am right? and they accept me for who I am. I've never met a group of people who have been as accepting as they are. I've never met a bunch of people who have made me laugh as much, smiled as much and loved as much.

QA has opened up heaps of opportunities for me. I was able to meet this fully sick Korean guy who looks intimidating as beep but is actually just this shy, modest piece of poop. HECK HE WAS MY FIRST FRIEND AT QA HAHAHA. I was also able to meet this amazing Viet girl. Although she gives me shit almost every day, eh she aight haha. We've had our ups and downs, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. I hope as the 'fulleh siq friends' we are we can still keep in touch after we graduate.

Nhi is awesome

Kris is hot.


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