What even is life?

Sunday 13 July 2014 | 04:02 | 0 comments
Guilt. What is guilt? Why do we feel guilt? This emotion, this feeling, it occurs when we realize or believe that we have violated our morals and our code of conduct. This warning sign that we develop through our upbringing helps us construct our behavior and it not only affects ourselves but others as well.

Realizing what we have said or done is usually the first stage before the feeling of guilt kicks in. When we start to feel guilty over our actions or words, the emotion, it hits like a truck. The uneasiness we feel until we go and make amends, creates an internal pain that can hurt as much or even more than any physical injury. It's a pretty horrible process. However, the realization of our violation shows maturity and personal growth. We were designed to fuck up. We make mistakes, but you know what? We learn from those mistakes, it's what makes us human. Learning is something we will experience until the day we return to the soil.

Accept that you fucked up. If you did something that was hurtful, accept it and move o
n. What has been done is done, there is no changing the past. But make amends when possible. Find the right time and place for it. Make amends sooner rather than later. I'm sure the person you hurt is forgiving, by apologizing to them it signifies that you have accepted what you have done is wrong and that you're willing to change. Also guilt is timely, meaning that we get into a situation where we do something, and then we feel bad about it for a period of time. Eventually, as time passes we'll feel less guilty. If we recognize our behavior and take actions sooner rather than later, we'll feel better about things. Don't obsess about it too much and not take any compensatory actions. It will just make you feel worse, trusterino in me.

Nobody is perfect, even our friends and family who seem to lead the ideal life. It's what makes us human. Don't live life striving for perfection in any aspect as this results in failure. It can never be attained trusterino in me. We all make mistakes, many of them can make us feel guilty when we realize the mistake we have made. Realizing that you're only human and you made the mistake is the key. Don't be one of those people who blame themselves for days, weeks or even months. It lowers your self-esteem. Don't say that you should have known or should have acted differently. If you realize that you're wrong that means that you shouldn't have known and you shouldn't have acted differently. It's one of those pathways that makes you learn. Trust me you're not an ideal person. You're not, and neither am I. That's just life bruhs.

Guilt is one of those emotions that tells us that something important. However not every guilty feeling is rational and has a purpose. Focus on the guilt that causes loved ones harm. Just accept the fact that you messed up and make amends. Perfection is impossible. You're only human, you're no better than I am. Enougherino from me hey, I just felt like blogging today. I actually don't know if anything up there even makes sense. There's probably a million grammar mistakes that I've overlooked as well. Anyways...


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