What even is life?

Thursday 13 February 2014 | 05:32 | 0 comments
Now love is a very controversial topic. I mean for example at the moment I like someone and I can't even confess because I'm a flippin' pussy. Anyways I mean... It doesn't matter if you're straight, bisexual or gay, love is love and when your love for that certain someone is strong enough, it will never prevail.

Now what is love? (baby don't hurt me...) Love is like.... when a puppy licks your face, even after you leave him at home alone all day. You don't give up on the things you love, you stay strong. True there might be some rough times, but by going through these rough times you become a stronger couple. It makes sense doesn't it? When you go through rough times it's generally cause you make mistakes, and because we're mature enough we learn from those mistakes and we avoid them.

Love should also be genuine. Like don't go around loving people because they have money or cause they look sexier than a mug. Love someone for who they are. Love them for their imperfections, it's what makes them so unique. How heart broken would the person be if they found out you loved them for their money? Come on broskies think about their emotions as well. It's like asking someone to formal, don't ask someone just for the sake of going with someone. Ask them because you genuinely want to go with them. It's true that we must think highly of ourselves, but that doesn't mean the world revolves around just ourselves. Be confident, not cocky.

The most important thing is learning to let the things you love go. If you truly love someone then you want to see them happy. You want to see the strive you want to see them succeed. If they don't like you back then don't be disheartened. Sure it hurts... like a bitch. But that doesn't mean you won't meet another person just as amazing as they were. Look at it this way, let's say you loved this flower. Now because you love this flower so much you don't pick it up. Why? Because if you pick up it eventually dies and what you loved ceases to exist. So if you truly loved that flower, you would let it be. Love is not about possession, it's about appreciation.

It's funny cause I'm too scared to even ask the person I like to formal.... Anyways I guess what I'm trying to say here is stay true when it comes to love. Love the person for who they are, appreciate them and if they want to go their separate ways then don't hold them back. Let them strive and be happy. Who knows? They might find themselves feeling happy when they're with you. That's enough from me...

Nhi is awesome

Kris is hot


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