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Connections and Bonds
Friday 16 January 2015 | 23:33 | 0 comments
Connections and bonds. I'm not talking about the adhesive, but about the bonds we have with other people. You may not know it but our actions play a very important role when it comes to our bonds. Even the slightest mistake could sever our bonds, but that doesn't mean they can't be restored and fixed. It's kinda like when you argue with your parents really... they get mad at you and may not talk to you for a while, but that doesn't mean it's going to stop them from loving you.

Now I wouldn't say my "bonds" with my parents are the greatest. But I wouldn't say they're crap either. Growing up I never really had much help from them. Mum was the stereotypical Asian mum and dad was always at work. Not only that but they couldn't understand much English either. Up until I started going to a tutor (which was like in grade 11) I basically had to learn almost everything by myself. I had help with life lessons of course since my parents are always lecturing me with their Asian wisdom. But academically I've always struggled. Coming from a family without an English background learning the language was the hardest thing. Although I may have been born and raised in 'Straya I couldn't say a single English word until I was around 3 or 4. It didn't help either that both my parents couldn't speak English either then. Even now my English is pretty crap.. I mean you can find so many grammatical errors throughout these posts rofl. You know I think that's why my bond with my parents aren't as strong in comparison to my sister's bond with the parentals. She's the second child and there's a decent age gap between us so she's always had a lot more help. However looking back they have always wanted the best for me. Even now they're lecturing me about Uni. As much as I'm grateful for loving parents I kinda wish we had a stronger connection you know? Even now every time I talk to my mum there's always a misunderstanding, which leads to a fight, which leads to us not talking and etc etc. Just a personal idea but I've always thought that it's hard to sever the bonds between you and your parents, but it's easy to become distant from one another.

As for the bonds with my friends, well, what am I really without my friends? I may have lost many and have grown distant from a few in the past few years, but I've also gained new ones that I have grown to love. They've always been there for me ya feel? and just like with my parentals we've had our ups and downs, but that's what makes our connections stronger. We go through the same hardships, we suffer together, we laugh together, we learn together and for a few, we've slept together (no homo Jos). For some I'd say my connection with them is on the same caliber as the connections I have with my parentals. I have a friend who I don't talk to much anymore, but we've known each other for almost 10 years. We both know that if we were to ever need anything we could just depend and ask each other. I have friends who I have only known for 3 years, but you know I feel as if our connections and bonds are stronger than some of my connections with people I've known for much longer. I guess it really depends on how open the people you know are, but it's hard to imagine where any of us would be if it weren't for our friends and family.

Now the worst thing that can happen is probably when we sever our connections. Usually due to some misunderstanding or whatever. And usually we can never fix them because the other person is too stubborn to see that they were wrong or see that you're admitting that you were in the wrong. You don't need those people I'm going to tell you now. Make new bonds and make them strong. With people you trust, with people you love and with people who are willing to create these bonds. Everyone has them, even the scummiest of criminals have them. It's what we choose to do and treat these bonds, that's what is important. I wouldn't be where I am today without my friends and family, and I'm extremely grateful for them being in my life.

I feel like I kinda just rambled in this post, like it doesn't but also does relate to the title ya feel? I kinda just felt like I had to post something since it's been so long rofl. Obligatory post is obligatory. Idek, I guess the moral is that we should keep our connections and bonds with our friends and family close. Repair them if necessary I guess. In short; bonds with people are good, cutting them is bad. That's enough rambling from me for one day. Like always,

Nhi is awesome

Kris is hot


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