What even is life?

Tuesday 9 December 2014 | 18:21 | 0 comments
Seeing as how the season of giving is here I thought this was the perfect topic lel. We all love presents right? I'm sure we do. Doesn't matter what we get we're always happy to receive gifts. I mean I can't remember the last time I denied or rejected a gift. But what about giving?

Now with all the religious part aside, why should we give? You know I'm sure at some point in our lives we have been on the receiving end of someone else's generosity. What goes around comes around ya feel? Instead of being on the receiving end why not be on the giving end for once. It doesn't matter how big or small the gift is, it's all about the soul and heart. There is no such thing as a bad gift, all gifts are valuable as they come from a person's care and love.

For me I think giving is about joy. It's like when you surprise someone with a nice gesture or gift, the excitement that's on their face... doesn't that fill you with joy? Giving is pleasurable. As cliche as it sounds you get this warm fuzzy feeling inside.It doesn't matter how big or small the gift is, it doesn't matter how much it cost, giving is giving and it's the thought that counts.

Think of it like karma, if you do good you will receive good, if you do bad then you will receive bad. So if you give you will receive, and yeah, you get the idea. Honestly you should give because you can, not because you must. By doing so you will find happiness. It's really good for the soul. The small gesture might just make someone's day! I mean, I have a friend who would be happy for the rest of the day if she received a cup of bubble tea haha.

I'm not saying you have to give anyone anything just because you have to. I'm saying we should give to others out of our own generosity and compassion. Think about it, if you're excited when you receive a gift, I'm sure others would be too. I mean what better way to spend income.

It's almost Christmas, one of the most joyous times of the year. How about making someone's day through a random act of kindness eh? Who knows, that random act of kindness might be returned to you one day when you really need it.

That's enough from me aye hehe

Nhi is awesome

Kris is hot.


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