What even is life?

Tuesday 8 December 2015 | 07:24 | 0 comments
We all have big dreams and I'm sure there has been that point in our lives where we're all like "man I want to be this when I grow up" or "I want to do that for a living." If I recall, I think there was a point in time where I was like "HEH ARCHITECT LIFE IS FOR ME!" but I realized that the architect life just aint for me. Sometimes our interests just change or life throws you a curve ball and you know, you just have to take it.

Coming from an Asian background I can't emphasize how true the study-all-the-time stereotype is. My parents were constantly reminding me to study and were always seeing if they could find other ways to further increase my grades. For those who know me, I spent like 90 percent of my time playing games, 5 percent actually studying and the other 5 sleeping. Which you know, really reflected on my final grades but we'll save that story for another day. In saying that I can see where my parents are coming from. Good grades equals good career paths right? Well that's generally how it goes. However here in Australia we have the luxury of being able to bridge into our desired degrees. So it isn't the end of the world if you didn't get the result that you had expected. There are always alternative ways to reach your goals.

Something I can't seem to wrap my head around is why people have the need to bash on the others who choose specific tertiary pathways. Some courses are just better at other Universities, TAFE even... The banter that exists between certain Universities is pretty real. Like guys come on, lets just chill for a second. At the end of the day you're still going to get your degree and still have just as many opportunities. As long as you land yourself a job and enjoy it right? I mean not everything is offered at Uni. I thought the idea of education was to learn and grow. There will always be opportunities for those who excel in their area.

With all that said I feel as if I have been blessed with the people who have supported me so far. You know when I got my final results back in grade twelve I honestly thought my parents were going to lynch me. Which is quite the opposite of what happened. I mean they were a pain in the neck at first because of how far I had to travel for Uni but they came around in the end which was nice. Like they ended up saying something like "all that matters is that you enjoy your career and aim to be the best within your field". Honestly it shouldn't matter which career path you take or where you did your tertiary studies, as long as you be the DJ Khaled (we da best) of your field and enjoy yourself.

Integrating into society and having a career may seem like one of the most important things after graduation. Even if you try your hardest it doesn't mean everything will go your way. I mean even I had to do a bridging course. So yea, to the graduating year twelves, don't even sweat fam. If you don't meet the cutoff for your course it's not the end of the world. A bridging course may set you back a year or so but at the end of the day you're still in the course that you want right? And you know what, as long as you be the best and enjoy your job, it doesn't matter where you studied or what your occupation is. You do you. That's it I guess.


K is for Kha
Kha is for Khawaii
same thing basically

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