What even is life?

Tuesday 19 November 2013 | 04:15 | 0 comments
*Okay well... this blog is more about morals and less on the deep stuff I guess. So sorry for those who* 
*were looking forward to something deep and meaningful*

Now this, THIS is an extremely controversial topic. Now being the Asian that I am I too have received my fair share of racism. Sure there are times where you and your friends will joke around and crack jokes about each others race and shit like that. But what I'm talking about here is the racism that comes from people who have some kind of grudge against other races.

Now I'd just like to point something out here. Racism is actually against the law. Although I haven't actually seen any legal action against racism it is in fact against the law. Also I don't see the need to discriminate other races. I can guarantee you that everyone has their own flaws. You can never argue that your race is superior than another, whether you be Asian, Black, White, Purple, or whatever colour you are. You can also never argue that you're not a racist person either. Everyone is slightly racist, for example when you look at someone the first thing you'll notice their skin tone, and from there on you'll act accordingly until you know that person. It's really subtle shit and honestly you'll never notice it yourself until you reflect on your actions OR have someone tell you.

From the experience that I've had I can tell you it's not really pleasant. I mean jokes that come from friends yea that's understandable, as from randoms who think they're better than everyone else, fuck you. Seriously I cannot stress how much of an impact has on a person's life. Like that shit hurts man. Think about it like this what one day, out of no where, I decided to come up to you and start discriminating you, discriminating your beliefs, discriminating what you look like, discriminating your race. Not pleasant is it?

Also although you may not think it, stereotype is also a form of racism. Now most stereotypes isn't actually that bad, to be honest they're quite funny and it actually makes a race distinct and different from the others. I guess the issue here is that when a stereotype get's out of hand everything starts to pressure the person. For example the generalization that all Asians are reincarnations of Albert Einstein. Man I'm not going to lie there are heaps of dumb Asians out there, take me for example, I'm retarded as fuck. But when expectations come in, there's a lot of pressure...

No race is superior than another. Think about it this way, without us Asians, who's there going to be to create your goods? Just because you designed the product doesn't mean you manufacture that shit. Without the Negros who's going to throw down sick beats? Seriously embrace different cultures, learn and respect them, it's actually quite interesting to see different cultures. Also race shouldn't matter or effect how you treat people, everyone is equal and should be treated equally. We all have feelings, I'd imagine that you wouldn't be feeling too great if someone went and offended you so don't go around offending others. You know what I'm going to challenge you all to go out and make someone that ISN'T from your race happy, become friends with them, talk to them spend the day with them. Anyways that's enough from me.

Nhi is awesome

Kris is hot


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