What even is life?

Sunday 17 November 2013 | 23:48 | 4 comments
Now being a teenager myself I have seen many people go through the phases of depression. Now looking back at that shit I realize that yes, when it first hits you you're kinda like woah. That shit hurts, but why sit and dwell on it?

Now when I was in my early stages of High school I never really went through that anxty stage. Actually if i remember correctly not many people did go through that anxty stage really. I mean yea I had my fair share of bullying, which really was a downer but yea... I guess the biggest common issue in High School is family problems. I know it's hard, and I know it's scary cause trust me I've been in the same situation where my parents have argued and stopped talking for several weeks. But think about it this way, you're a family, you're BOUND to have problems. In the end you and your mum, or you and your dad or both your parents will eventually make amends and figure everything out.

Now I guess another issue would be love, trust and crap. Now for you guys out there don't use Valentines day to treat your girlfriend as a Princess, you should be doing that everyday. Now what is love? How do you measure love? Is it how much stuff that guy or girl bought you? Think about that shit. No, love is passionate affection toward someone else. Yes, I know you might feel like that one kid that feels like they're the only one who wasn't invited to the party because couples are dropping out of the skies! (Don't worry I feel youu bro). Here's something I want to throw out, if you don't trust them, then why are you with them? If you're checking their emails or Facebook, you probably don't trust them. If you're checking their phone, you probably don't trust them. Seriously love is all about trust, commitment and affection. You can't just go around with fear that they'll do something stupid. And if you do end up breaking up with your partner don't sit and dwell on it. Think about it this way life moves forward. Eventually overtime you'll find the perfect girl/guy. Don't think that it's over, it's the end of the world no. Being single is pretty awesome it has some perks of its own. So don't be so bummed over the fact that you just broke up with your girl/guy, or don't be so bummed over the fact that you were never in a relationship at all.

It has also come to my attention that many students are EXTREMELY depressed about their grades. Especially at my school. See I've been in that situation too many times to even care anymore. Like I said before, maybe you're not smart in that certain area but you're smarter in another. As long as you're putting in 110% effort. Remember you can only improve not get worse. Overtime you'll just get better and better. Not everyone is born an Academic genius. It just takes practice, patience, commitment and persistence to improve. Just don't worry about your grades and just do your subjects to the best of your abilities. Also I think one of the big issues is parents and expectations. Most parents are going to tell you that you're pretty much going to have no future if you don't live up to their expectations and that's not entirely true. I mean you'll always be able to find a job and if you want you could always do a bridging course in Uni to get unit the course that you want. it's not the end of the world.

Think of it like this, no matter how dark, now matter how big of a hole you've dug yourself there is always a way out. Whether it be family related, love related or school related, it just takes time, persistence and commitment. Eventually everything should work out and if it doesn't then don't worry, what's done is done it's over. Don't dwell on the past. It's better to have loved than to have never loved at all. Also the darker it is on one side the brighter it will be on the other no? Anyways that's enough from me.

Nhi is awesome

Kris is hot.


Blogger Unknown said...

:O Dun be mean!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful about what you assume... people might just believe you actually know what you're talking about

Blogger Kha Nguyen said...

It's funny because I do know what I'm talking about.


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