What even is life?

Thursday 14 November 2013 | 18:25 | 5 comments
Now I have friends who are Atheist, Buddhist, Muslim, generally people who all have different beliefs and religions. So it’s pretty evident that I have nothing against any other religion, but that’s not the point here. I mean at some point I’m pretty sure that it has occurred to you, or someone has asked you, whether or not God exists.

Now when I was much younger I would wake up early in the morning to attend Sunday school. I don’t think at that time I really understood what Sunday school was for so half the time I was there I just fucked around. At that age I’m sure most children are extremely curious and if I remember correctly at one point I asked one of the sisters “how do we know god exists?” “Because he created us.” Now that answer really bugged me because A: it didn't really answer my question I mean how do we know he created us and B: all the other sisters would pretty much give me the same answer.

Now I know that there are going to be people out there who are going to be like “where’s your evidence that God exists?” Now since I’m fairly older now and actually have the capacity to think, there is actually SOME evidence that God exists. Hrmm and example okay let’s say the device that you’re using to read this blog. I’m sure that it’s safe to assume that somewhere along the lines of the device’s production there was some human interaction. Maybe now they’re being massed produced by machines but the original device had to be planned, designed and built by a human. It’s also safe to assume that the person who created the device is smart, rich and probably has a lot of free time. But that’s not the point here the point is that there is evidence that the device you’re using WAS created by someone.

Another example let’s look at ourselves for a moment let’s look at me. I am living evidence that somewhere at some point, when my parents loved each other very much, they decided to have smoochy smooch and they created ME! See you are living evidence that your parents created you. Whether you be an accident or not, test tube baby or not, you are living evidence that someone created you (I’m going to assume that everyone knows how the reproductive system works).

I’m pretty sure that it’s obvious which side I’m on here. I mean if you look at the universe like in my point of view everything starts to piece together. Somewhere somehow someone created it. Just because you don’t see doesn't mean you can’t believe. I mean just because you don’t see the sun at night doesn't mean you stop believing that it exists am I right? Anyways that’s enough from me.

Nhi is awesome

Kris is hot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not trying to be rude, but if you want to use the 'creator' debate, then you have to think about who 'created' God. Your thoughts?

I don't like how some people think "I don't know how this happened, it must have been a supernatural force". Seeing as you do go to a science based school, you know that we don't just stop looking for answers and rely on a supernatural/improbable reason which has little evidence (meaning there is 'some').

Not trying to start a rage/flame argument >.< just some small talk would be nice ^o^

On another note, blog music is good (y)

Blogger Kha Nguyen said...

No no this is good ahaha. See when I asked one of the sisters "who created God" I pretty much got the same answer... "God created God." It's kind of redundant but you know... That didn't sit well with me like... the answer is too simplistic I mean how do you argue with that... you really can't. I mean I was in primary school and back in those days so I pretty much thought "well she's a teacher and so she probably knows 10x more that I do." But it still bugged the crap out of me. There's an theory that states that the human brain is too limited to even understand the capacity of a God. Iunno, but using my logic I guess somehow you can conclude that God was created by something. Iunno how to explain it man.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Jumbled thoughts incoming with a lot of holes (but it makes a lot of sense to me! >.<).) From what I know, God is spirit, and spirit has no beginning or end. Spirit is from eternal to eternal, not beginning to end. For something to have a beginning, it must have had a cause. Since God has no beginning it means he has no cause, however since we have had a beginning we have a cause and that cause is to serve Him :>

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This first part is targeted at the other Anonymous, "There's an theory that states that the human brain is too limited to even understand the capacity of a God." (K. Nguyen, 2013) Then how does your logic make sense? if we apparently do not have the capacity to understand God? Hahaha idek...

"we have a cause and that cause is to serve Him", even if he is evil? (Okay evil is a bad word... can't think of the word... [a little less than evil]. When you look around, do you not just think "it's nature"? For example, when you see all the natural disasters, is a supernatural force 'causing' this (evil)? is a supernatural force watching this but not doing anything about it (evil)? Or is it just nature?

hmm... maybe ill do a signature type thing so Anons don't get confused...



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