What even is life?

Dealing with Problems
Sunday 22 May 2016 | 09:23 | 0 comments
We're all different so how we deal with our problems all differ. We can smash things when we're mad or cry when we're sad, as long as it relieves the pain. I'm sure everyone has that one person (or in my case a group of friends) who we all go to and just vent. Helps us feel less burdened you know?

I have a group of friends who are all pretty open for whoever needs help. We're all pretty vocal too when we have problems with each other, which is really nice because this helps maintain long lasting relationships. However, that story is for another day. Anyways, we're all pretty open for whoever needs help, which is really funny because although it's not healthy, I tend to just bottle things up. Of course everyone bottles their problems but I think there's a line between not wanting to talk about it and unhealthy bottling of emotions. And I'm a big offender of, I really am. I always feel like I'm attention seeking or placing burden on those who already have enough to stress about. I end up just putting on a facade. But I'm glad I have people force it out of me, I end up just dumping all my problems and emotions and end up feeling a lot more lighter I guess.

It's really nice knowing that I have a great bunch of people who've always got my back. Recently I haven't been sleeping or eating and it feels nice having friends around me forcing me to do so. It makes me feel a lot lifted knowing that there are people who care, which I'm really thankful for. We may not be blood related, but the relationship between my group and I is like of a family. One that will always support each other, no matter how far apart we are.

Yes, this is a very short post. Yes, there aren't any pictures this time and no, I'm not dead. I just felt like I needed to post something since it's been a while. These things come out really slowly when I have like zero topics to write about. So if you want more then please send some topics my way and I guess we'll see what happens. I mean, with recent events since I haven't been able to sleep I might as well do something somewhat productive right? But it's kay, I'll be aight. I've said it once before.

Time heals all wounds.


K is for Kha
Kha is for Khawaii
same thing basically

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