What even is life?

Wednesday 13 November 2013 | 00:45 | 0 comments
Before we start I'd like to apologize for not posting in the past couple of days. I've been revising for my final Maths exams which are all over now so yolo.

Anyways onto topic dreams, dreams are an important aspect in life. Whether your dreams are for evil and malicious deeds or just dreaming that one day you'll become the Bruce Wayne of our time. Either way it is important to have dreams.

I think that without dreams, there would be nothing to look forward to. For example, lets say that you didn't have a dream of becoming anything at all. You wouldn't have anything to work for, anything to work towards. It’s almost like you’re living for nothing, you have no purpose. Without dreams I guarantee you that you would not be where you are now without your dreams. 

Another example, I guess let’s say your dream was to be with this amazing girl/guy that you've liked for a while. You would do ANYTHING to be with that person, whether they accept you or not. At times it feels as if it’s never going to happen but you keep trying because it’s your dream. So you would try to impress them, help them or do anything just simply to see them smile. Anything to see them smile. Trust me I know…

One of the strongest examples I can think of is Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech. His dream was that one day every race could live alongside each other and able to stand together as brothers and sisters. Look at us now, look at the multicultural countries that exist now, America and my home country Australia.

I guess in a nutshell what I’m trying to say here is that everyone needs to have dreams. There is without out a doubt that everyone has dreams, and if you argue that you don’t then think of one, what do you want to work for? What do you want to achieve or what is it that you mostly want? Dreams give you something to look forward too or something to work for. Dreams are also what creates you, what makes you so unique. Everyone has different dreams and like I said, without your dreams you would not be where you are today. Also dreams ignite creativity for new ideas. Who knows? Someday you could be the one who creates the first Arc Reactor.

Anyways that’s enough from me, keep dreaming and work towards that dream. Keep it real and keep it unique guys. Love you all.

Kris is hot


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