What even is life?

Saturday 9 November 2013 | 01:59 | 0 comments
To get through our everyday lives I'm sure that everyone has to stay dedicated. Whether it's staying dedicated to go to work or being dedicated to take a shit, we're all dedicated to something.  

I'm sure that everyone out there is trying to get better at something, whether it be getting better at maths or getting better at singing. It all requires dedication and persistence. Without these two key elements your goal of becoming better is never going to happen. Lets say you were trying to get the dream body for example. Sure you could put off working out for one day, but that would only mean that it would take you longer to get to your goal. Eventually you'll find that you're working out less and less because you're not as motivated and dedicated to your goal anymore as you were originally. I guess what I'm trying to say here is dedication achieves goals, goals equal happiness/pleasure.

Dedication also applies to your work. You signed up for your job, you better stay dedicated to it. I mean, let's say you were the boss of your workplace. I would bet you any amount of my non-existent money that you would get annoyed and fire that one worker that has no dedication to the work place whatsoever. Seriously dedication leads to productivity and without that you're not going to get anything done. Unless your workplace is has an extremely crap atmosphere, then just leave the place and find a better job.

Dedication to friends and family is also a large requirement, especially to your partner. You should be faithful and keep believing in each other. Like I discussed in "Friends", everyone fucks up. Forgive them and move on. If you're not willing to forgive your partner for a small mishap then why did you go out with them in the first place? Like I said, you should stay loyal and faithful to your partner, you and your partner will encounter many ups and downs but at the end of the day your partner is the one who TRULY understands you and will stay by your side no matter what (apart from your parents). That is true loyalty, faithfulness and dedication to your partner. Be there for him or her whenever they need it, don't leave them just because they screwed up.

Where would my blogs be without at least one reference to girls/relationships lol.

I guess in a nutshell what I'm trying to say here is stay dedicated to improve yourself mentally and physically, dedicated to your work and stay EXTREMELY dedicated to the one you love. Dedication is key here guys. Also if you have the time check out these two :

One of them is the more depressing version of me whilst the other is a bucket full of cringe and puns. That's all from me guys.


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