What even is life?

Just a thought...
Monday 10 July 2017 | 00:57 | 0 comments

You know it's really interesting hearing different stories from different parents and how they portray their kids. Like, you can really see how proud everyone is of their child and how much love they have for them. Now, today was no exception. I was out chilling with a mate while we were on a business trip and what was a really big eye opener for me today was when a parent broke down in front of me. She just wanted her kids to be happy however a lot of the things that they did disappointed her. They weren't anything major (to me at least) but because of different cultural clashes and what not it kinda made her sad. Which is understandable I guess but she said she was willing to accept it as long as her kids were happy and weren't out doing thuggish shit. I think what made her the most upset was that she just didn't know what to do. Being a child of an immigrant in Australia, I could understand where she was coming from. I could see my own mother in this woman. Many of you who know me personally would probably say "your parents are chill man it's whatevs" and it's true, my parents are pretty heckers for people who are trying to integrate into another culture. My dad is pretty easy going and accepts that although I have a Vietnamese ethnicity, I was born and raised on vegemite on toast in Straya. Mum however is a bit more traditional, and although her views and beliefs are justifiable it's just not me. Ya feels? Reflecting upon it, I figured I've probably done a lot of things that my mum probably doesn't agree with and it makes me sorta feel like I let her down??? in some kind of way I don't know. Like for example I want to get an ear piercing but she doesn't want me to (this is just an example pls). Ultimately it's my body and I can do whatever I want but at the same time I don't want to disappoint my mum. It's hard and I know what it feels like... trying to please Asian parents but also being yourself. It's pretty difficult. I think at some point every Asian kid has heard the "I'll be happy if my child continues to study in order to pursue his/her dream." I mean I sure have, the woman that I was talking to today said the same thing. And it's true! I mean my parents are happy I'm doing something with my life. Even though there are heaps of things we don't agree with, I think as long as I know what makes my parents sad even though it's culturally appropriate and refrain from I guess doing it while I'm still living with them, that should be good enough. It is what it is I guess.

You say cute, I say Khawaii
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Monday 22 May 2017 | 00:40 | 1 comments
Yea... my life has been a mess, and lets be real here it still is. For the longest time I hit a pretty solid low and it was hard you know? I didn't want to bother anyone but at the same time it was like 'hmmm what do?' It's really easy for people to say 'Hey boo if you ever need to talk I'm always around' which is nice, and I thank everyone who has been there for me. But sometimes it's just harder to open up.

For those who know me, they'll be able to tell you that I really enjoy driving. That's why I offer to drive my friends all the time. And no, I don't just take anyone because I aint no taxi service fam. But you know, for the longest time I used to go out late at night and just drive. By myself of course. Not to any set location I would kind of just... go. Something about going fast and going around tight turns... it's soothing. It's not about racing anyone or about winning anything. It's more about the feeling I get when I'm pushed back into my chair. The rush I get when I'm in the moment you know? It's just an escape for me, where I forget about all my problems and just enjoy the moment. Cruising while vibing out to some music late at night or hitting up a local mountain, it's hectic. Being able to just disappear into my own world, even if it's just for a short moment, it was wonderful. Zero responsibilities, zero problems...

Back when I was still in second year uni I used to do this a lot. I still go out time to time now but not as often. Is it safe? definitely not. Fuel efficient? sick joke. But it's the fact that I'm able to escape all my problems, my responsibilities, my fears, things that are hurting me. Going through rough times and emotional trauma, that's just another part of life I guess. It's not always easy to overcome these things but, having that thing or person that helps us cope... I think it's amazing.

Driving is my escape

Follow me here K for Kha
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this will solve all ur problems


follow the light of thugga


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Risky Business
Tuesday 7 February 2017 | 05:16 | 0 comments
You know, I feel like we've all had like a want at some point to do something or create something cool, except we just never got around to doing it. I guess it's nothing to be ashamed of because like I said, I'm sure everyone has done this at some point. I for one am guilty of this, even now there are heaps of things I've told myself I would do or want to accomplish. Like for example, a while back when I first started blogging someone asked me "hey why don't you make a YouTube channel?" to which I replied "HECK YE I'LL DO IT!" Yea... I guess that never happened. But it's okay, I'll get around to that eventually.

I feel like the reason why most of us haven't pursued some of our wants is because of self doubt. And it's okay, I can completely understand where you're coming from. When I first started blogging I thought to myself, heck! aint no one going to read my junk... It was a mixture of emotions really. I just kept asking myself a bunch of questions like, would my friends judge me? what if people don't like the content I create? The list is pretty long, most of them are just self doubt really. But once I published my first couple posts I started to receive heaps of positive feedback. Some people even started requesting I write about specific topics just so they could see my point of view and how I felt about it. Self doubt quickly became excitement, every time I had a new idea or something I would write it down so I could build on to it later. I remember how excited I got each time I shared a new post. I mean, yea I don't post that often now but that's because I'm just lazy. I still get excited each time I share these posts. 

I think the point I'm trying to make here is, we're all very capable of doing these things. We just seem to limit ourselves because of doubt and make excuses like "I just don't have the time." Obviously there will be people who won't like the things you do but that's all part of it. You win some you lose some. You'll gain heaps of criticism along the way which will only improve you and further develop your skills. Shout out to my homie Kevin for pursuing his YouTube dream. He's pretty new to the YouTube scene but I reckon he'll be big one day. I'll have a link to his YouTube channel below so you guys can check him out. If you enjoy reading the junk I write for my blog, then you'll definitely like the content he creates. He only has 3 videos right now but he'll be uploading weekly so you won't ever be bored. Trust.

But yea,

sometimes you just gotta risk it for the biscuit you feel?

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Also check out my boy Itskevingeee (←you can click that) for some pretty videos

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Just Another Masquerade Ball
Friday 17 June 2016 | 10:16 | 0 comments
Facades; a deceptive outer appearance, an illusion, a mask. I think we all can all relate to this whether it be for acceptance, to be liked, fear, sadness, anger and the list goes on. As humans we all act and and think differently, which can be reflected through our interactions with different people. As we cycle through different individuals every day, each person is greeted with a different mask.

This means that not everyone will ever get to know the real you. For example, I could tell you guys everything about me in my blogs but that wouldn't mean you would know the real me. Behind this wall of text is yet another mask that I put on. I'm generally a very open person, but just through text you guys will never know how I'm truly feeling or what I'm thinking. I promise it's nothing bad lol. I mean it's nothing personal or anything, but I feel like it's really rare for someone to unmask themselves whilst interacting with others. The only place I'm able to not put on a facade is when I'm with my close friends. Even with them, it's not unusual to find me creating an illusion. It's nothing bad, I'd just rather my friends not stress about me when I'm feeling sad or down. Not even with my parents am I always able to completely be myself, and I think that just goes to show how powerful social masks are. 

Obviously we all have our reasons for cloaking ourselves. but we shouldn't let them mould who we are. Do not let the mask you create be the one that represents you. Having friends around where you can just be yourself will keep you sane. Sometimes you'll need them around so that they can pull that mask off and keep you in line. Which is why I'm grateful for having such a wonderful friendship circle because they've done so many times in the past when I've just needed to be me. Not someone who's pretending to be happy. 

It's pretty easy to just put on a mask and be someone else, but it's hard to change who we really are and how we're truly feeling. It makes us feel confident, makes us feel invincible almost. And doing so can reveal many things about yourself and the others around you. But it's something you don't want to rely on. A friend of mine once said something that made me realise how important social masks are since society isn't that very 'forgiving' when you don't conform to the social norms. Which is why life is just another masquerade ball that everyone is forced to attend. In saying that, always be yourself. Because no one can be you apart from you. No matter where you go there will always be someone judging you, so don't let that get to your head. I'll end with my friend's quote, and if you think about it just for a little bit you'll understand why it's so fitting for this topic.

'I'm the stage, you're my audience.'

Follow me at K for Kha

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Dealing with Problems
Sunday 22 May 2016 | 09:23 | 0 comments
We're all different so how we deal with our problems all differ. We can smash things when we're mad or cry when we're sad, as long as it relieves the pain. I'm sure everyone has that one person (or in my case a group of friends) who we all go to and just vent. Helps us feel less burdened you know?

I have a group of friends who are all pretty open for whoever needs help. We're all pretty vocal too when we have problems with each other, which is really nice because this helps maintain long lasting relationships. However, that story is for another day. Anyways, we're all pretty open for whoever needs help, which is really funny because although it's not healthy, I tend to just bottle things up. Of course everyone bottles their problems but I think there's a line between not wanting to talk about it and unhealthy bottling of emotions. And I'm a big offender of, I really am. I always feel like I'm attention seeking or placing burden on those who already have enough to stress about. I end up just putting on a facade. But I'm glad I have people force it out of me, I end up just dumping all my problems and emotions and end up feeling a lot more lighter I guess.

It's really nice knowing that I have a great bunch of people who've always got my back. Recently I haven't been sleeping or eating and it feels nice having friends around me forcing me to do so. It makes me feel a lot lifted knowing that there are people who care, which I'm really thankful for. We may not be blood related, but the relationship between my group and I is like of a family. One that will always support each other, no matter how far apart we are.

Yes, this is a very short post. Yes, there aren't any pictures this time and no, I'm not dead. I just felt like I needed to post something since it's been a while. These things come out really slowly when I have like zero topics to write about. So if you want more then please send some topics my way and I guess we'll see what happens. I mean, with recent events since I haven't been able to sleep I might as well do something somewhat productive right? But it's kay, I'll be aight. I've said it once before.

Time heals all wounds.


K is for Kha
Kha is for Khawaii
same thing basically

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Tuesday 8 December 2015 | 07:24 | 0 comments
We all have big dreams and I'm sure there has been that point in our lives where we're all like "man I want to be this when I grow up" or "I want to do that for a living." If I recall, I think there was a point in time where I was like "HEH ARCHITECT LIFE IS FOR ME!" but I realized that the architect life just aint for me. Sometimes our interests just change or life throws you a curve ball and you know, you just have to take it.

Coming from an Asian background I can't emphasize how true the study-all-the-time stereotype is. My parents were constantly reminding me to study and were always seeing if they could find other ways to further increase my grades. For those who know me, I spent like 90 percent of my time playing games, 5 percent actually studying and the other 5 sleeping. Which you know, really reflected on my final grades but we'll save that story for another day. In saying that I can see where my parents are coming from. Good grades equals good career paths right? Well that's generally how it goes. However here in Australia we have the luxury of being able to bridge into our desired degrees. So it isn't the end of the world if you didn't get the result that you had expected. There are always alternative ways to reach your goals.

Something I can't seem to wrap my head around is why people have the need to bash on the others who choose specific tertiary pathways. Some courses are just better at other Universities, TAFE even... The banter that exists between certain Universities is pretty real. Like guys come on, lets just chill for a second. At the end of the day you're still going to get your degree and still have just as many opportunities. As long as you land yourself a job and enjoy it right? I mean not everything is offered at Uni. I thought the idea of education was to learn and grow. There will always be opportunities for those who excel in their area.

With all that said I feel as if I have been blessed with the people who have supported me so far. You know when I got my final results back in grade twelve I honestly thought my parents were going to lynch me. Which is quite the opposite of what happened. I mean they were a pain in the neck at first because of how far I had to travel for Uni but they came around in the end which was nice. Like they ended up saying something like "all that matters is that you enjoy your career and aim to be the best within your field". Honestly it shouldn't matter which career path you take or where you did your tertiary studies, as long as you be the DJ Khaled (we da best) of your field and enjoy yourself.

Integrating into society and having a career may seem like one of the most important things after graduation. Even if you try your hardest it doesn't mean everything will go your way. I mean even I had to do a bridging course. So yea, to the graduating year twelves, don't even sweat fam. If you don't meet the cutoff for your course it's not the end of the world. A bridging course may set you back a year or so but at the end of the day you're still in the course that you want right? And you know what, as long as you be the best and enjoy your job, it doesn't matter where you studied or what your occupation is. You do you. That's it I guess.


K is for Kha
Kha is for Khawaii
same thing basically

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Sunday 18 October 2015 | 07:48 | 0 comments
I've always thought that the way you look at life really defines the type of person you are. I mean for me I've seen life as something you look back at and smile at all the great things that has happened. So do I have any regrets? Yea nah probably not. Sure there might be some things that I might have done differently but you know, this is the life I chose #iregretnothing.

Everyone's view on life is different, and none of them are wrong. How you live and view your life is up to you and I support that. But, lets be real here. Sometimes life just gets in the way of things we want or enjoy doing. Like, if your family needed you for something, you're not going to ditch them and go party. No. Going out and enjoying the simple things is important, but you know, something about family being more important you know what I'm saying? Ohana remember? Just, life bro.

But I mean, there's always the good stuff to look forward too. Like even the small things you know what I mean? Like for example just seeing someone smile. Sometimes that's honestly the best thing ever, just seeing someone smile.  I have this friend and legit I swear they have the best smile ever. Every time they smile I'm just like hnnNnNNggGGGG oaidaklsda... Or you know, it could be just me I guess. I mean, it doesn't have to be the same as mine obviously, but I'm sure there's something out there that you look forward to, even if it's just something small.

I think how we view life either allows or limits us from doing certain things. Like lets say you're an introvert, you could be like "life is cool and all but yea nah outside world and talking to people?? yea nah that junk is scary." I guess in this case it would limit you in terms of who you talk to or associate with I guess? I mean I respect that because everyone is different you feel me? It's the life they chose. I'm sure they have their reasons on why they see things the way they do, just like everyone else.

I swear man this posterino... It feels so half arsed like... iunno. I haven't posted in a while which I'm sorry for but you know, sometimes life just gets in the way right? I mean life will always have it's ups and downs. How you view life and what you do with yours is up to you. Don't let no body hold you back you feel? Anyways, I've don't really have anything left to say cause you know, life :^)


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