What even is life?

Monday 22 May 2017 | 00:40 | 1 comments
Yea... my life has been a mess, and lets be real here it still is. For the longest time I hit a pretty solid low and it was hard you know? I didn't want to bother anyone but at the same time it was like 'hmmm what do?' It's really easy for people to say 'Hey boo if you ever need to talk I'm always around' which is nice, and I thank everyone who has been there for me. But sometimes it's just harder to open up.

For those who know me, they'll be able to tell you that I really enjoy driving. That's why I offer to drive my friends all the time. And no, I don't just take anyone because I aint no taxi service fam. But you know, for the longest time I used to go out late at night and just drive. By myself of course. Not to any set location I would kind of just... go. Something about going fast and going around tight turns... it's soothing. It's not about racing anyone or about winning anything. It's more about the feeling I get when I'm pushed back into my chair. The rush I get when I'm in the moment you know? It's just an escape for me, where I forget about all my problems and just enjoy the moment. Cruising while vibing out to some music late at night or hitting up a local mountain, it's hectic. Being able to just disappear into my own world, even if it's just for a short moment, it was wonderful. Zero responsibilities, zero problems...

Back when I was still in second year uni I used to do this a lot. I still go out time to time now but not as often. Is it safe? definitely not. Fuel efficient? sick joke. But it's the fact that I'm able to escape all my problems, my responsibilities, my fears, things that are hurting me. Going through rough times and emotional trauma, that's just another part of life I guess. It's not always easy to overcome these things but, having that thing or person that helps us cope... I think it's amazing.

Driving is my escape

Follow me here K for Kha
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this will solve all ur problems


follow the light of thugga


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