What even is life?

Thursday 7 November 2013 | 04:54 | 0 comments
*This isn't the deepest blog I have written so my apologies in advance*

Now in your life you will see many people come and go. You'll say "hi' and a couple of sentences to some whilst other you just completely ignore. Then there will be that small, or maybe large, group of people who you call your friends.

Now iunno about you but I'd say that friends are a necessity to maintain a healthy and happy life.  Sure you could argue that all you need is a computer, internet connection and your right/left hand. But wouldn't that get boring? Everyone needs friends, whether it be 1 or 100. Don't think you can live on the internet forever. 

Anyways you should be able to trust your friends. Sure they'll fuck up sometimes and you should forgive them, because that's what friends do. As for the one's who constantly fuck up... well, try not to associate with those people. Overtime you'll start to learn who you can trust and who you can't, who you're real friends are and who are just trying to use you. 

Friends should also be loyal. Doesn't matter how old or what gender you are, you should be able to stick up for a friend whenever they need it. Let's say a fight for example, if you're friend is being picked on you should be able to stand up and help a brother out. Seriously, imagine if you were getting bashed up and all your friends just stood their and watch you get humiliated, not a good feeling is it. 

I guess what I'm trying to say here is help your friends whenever they need it, stay loyal and learn who is trustworthy and who isn't. Honestly I wouldn't be where I am today without my friends. Actually over the past couple of weeks there has been this one guy who's been constantly helping me leap over obstacles. He's an inspiration to me and I have many things to learn from him.

Also because of the increase in technological advancements it is SO evident that more and more people are becoming more antisocial. And yet we see all these memes about people being forever alone. Although I can't really talk since I don't have that much experience with girls, I'm pretty sure that talking to them online and ONLY online isn't going to get you anywhere. Go out there and physically socialize with people, improve your people skills or you really aren't going to go far in life guys.

Anyways that's enough from me guys.


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