What even is life?

Tuesday 5 November 2013 | 02:10 | 0 comments

When the word "smart" is mentioned I can bet you any amount of my non-existent money that you will think of academics or Asians. It is true that academics is an important thing, generally it helps with obtaining desired University courses, jobs, and might even help obtaining the girl of your wildest dreams, we'll save that for another blog.

Anyways what I wanted to say was that you don't have to be academically "smart" to be "smart". The word "smart" doesn't just revolve around academics. For example you could be musically smart or physically smart. You could be extremely good at painting but extremely bad academically. You would still be classified as "smart", just in a different sense.

In this modern age that we live in you could easily find a job in any area. You could be achieving C's and D's at school but when it comes to lets say physical activities such as swimming you're a beast! Heck take one of my friend's for example. He's just an average student who I wouldn't classify as academically smart, average grades of B's, sometimes the odd A or so. Man that guy is a BEAST at swimming, and because he knows that he's "smart" when it comes to swimming he's aiming for a job that revolves around swimming.

Seriously guys don't ever let that arrogant, stuck up, egotistic cunt in class tell you that you're not smart. Everyone is smart in their own way. Academics is one thing but being smart and achieving high in the area that you are best at is the key here, like I said in my previous post, do what YOU want to do (responsibly). And hey, think about it this way, you can only improve, not get worse. For example you could be bad at Maths, each time you go to a lesson you WILL improve slightly. Day by day you'll just get better and better until you become a human calculator.

Anyways that's enough from me, stay strong guys, be "smart" in your specific area and hey, one day that shit will allow you to


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